
Fill out the application, and contact pools@foresthillspoa.com if interested

Hiring – Lifeguard – Hiring for the 2025 summer season. Must be 15 years or older and hold a current lifeguard certification. Lifeguard classes are offered periodically at local recreation centers.
$13/hr. to start plus additional $1/hr. per year of experience up to $18/hr. Base pay (even on rainy days), work where you live, attendance and performance bonuses, reimbursement of LG certification (must work the season with certain minimum hours).

Hiring – Adult Pool Attendant $11/hr. – Responsible adult (21 yrs. & older) to welcome residents to the pool area with a smile and be respectful, helpful, and friendly to all residents. Candidates must have good communication skills. Responsibilities including but not limited to:

  • Check all pool tags upon entry.
  • Have residents and guest sign in the logbook.
  • Helps maintain cleanliness around the pool.
  • Help with safety in the pool and on the deck.
  • Along with the lifeguard, enforces pool rules and regulations.
  • Straighten furniture on pool deck.
  • Assist lifeguard on deck with an emergency, for example call 911.
  • Attend to minor first aid incidents, for example cuts or abrasions.
  • Notifies Pool Manger of any problems.
  • Other duties as assigned.

A review of first aid and CPR will be offered.

The Forest Hills association has two pools. Below are the hours (weather permitting).
The pools may close due to inclement weather, which will be at the discretion of the FHPOA Board.
No one is permitted in the pool area if the gate is locked and/or no lifeguard is on duty.
Please have your pool tag with you. See full list of pool rules below.

Westchester Pool: Please note that there may only be an attendant at this pool.
All parents are responsible for the safety of their children whether they are present or not.
The attendant is not a lifeguard but will monitor actively in the water and on the deck.

Pool tags can be picked up at Westchester during normal pool hours. One tag per family.
You must be current on your Association dues to receive your tag.

Westchester Pool Hours

Skyview Pool Hours

Use of Pool:
You must be an association member current with your association dues.
Pool tags must be shown upon entering pool areas.

  • Guest Restrictions:
  • All guests must be accompanied by a member of the association.
  • Guests must be made aware of pool rules and association members will be accountable for their guest’s actions.
  • Members must register all of their guests in the sign-in book available at each pool.
  • Member households may have up to 5 guests when accompanied by an adult
  • Minor members (11 – 17) unaccompanied by an adult may bring 1 guest
  • Lifeguards reserve the right to ask any guest(s) to leave if necessary or if we have too many people in the pool area.
  • Safety Breaks:
  • Safety breaks are 15 minutes long, every hour on the :45.
  • ALL children must clear the pool.
  • Adults (18 years or older) and children 2 & under may stay in the water during this time.
    • Child must be kept in the shallow end
    • Child must be either:
      • Held by parent
      • Wearing/in flotation device AND within arm’s reach
    • If there is only 1 guard, child must exit after 10 min. to allow guard 5-min. break

Health Rules:
● Please do NOT swim if you have open sores, inflamed eye(s) or any other communicable disease, or diarrhea.
● If you have had diarrhea, please refrain from swimming for 2 weeks. This will help keep our pool free from Recreational Water Diseases.
● Remove all bandages before entering the pool.

Tennis Courts: When using the tennis courts please have your pool tag with you.

ALL rules and regulations are subject to change. These rules have been provided in the interest of health, safety and the enjoyment of our pool for all residents.
Any concerns should be referred to the Board at comms@foresthillspoa.com
Thank you and enjoy your summer!

Pool Rules:
● Current members must show pool tag to lifeguard(s) upon arrival to the pool and sign-in.
● Any staff and/or board member may ask to see your pool tag at any time.
● There is a small fee for replacement of tags and there will be one tag per household.
● No running or horseplay will be tolerated in the pool or surrounding area.
● There is NO diving at Westchester Pool. Diving is permitted at Skyview Pool along the deep end (west side) only!
● All swimmers must wear a standard swimsuit. NO cut-offs, sweatshirts, pants, Capri’s, etc…
● Non-toilet trained children must wear swim diapers.
● Acceptable toys in the pool: soft balls, noodles, face mask, goggles, snorkel, fins, dolls, water cans, dive toys or any plastic toy. Lifeguard has final decision and may restrict toys if they feel they may cause a safety hazard.
● Unacceptable toys in the pool: inner tubes, large rafts, tennis balls, football or any other type of hard ball.
● Flotation devices are permitted in shallow end ONLY. An adult MUST accompany the child in the water and be next to the child using the safety floatation device.
● NO abusive language will be tolerated. You will be asked to leave immediately.
● No one is permitted in the pump/furnace rooms.
● Swimmers will be given a deep-water test if there is any question of swimming ability. This is at the discretion of the lifeguard on duty. Parents may NOT override the guard’s decision.
● Parents of young children must keep a watchful eye on their children.
● Children 10 years and younger must be accompanied by a parent/adult (18+) or responsible caregiver between the ages of 15 to 17 years old.
● NO glass containers of any kind are permitted in or around pool area.
● NO alcoholic beverages are permitted in or around pool area.
● NO smoking or vaping is permitted in or around pool area.
● NO bikes, scooters or skateboards are allowed in pool area.
● NO pets, balloons, or weapons of any kind are permitted in pool area.
● PLEASE do NOT take pictures of guards. If you have an issue with a guard, please notify the FHPOA Board.
● Remove all bandages before entering the pool.